Home /Storydoc Activities /SAINT VALENTINE’S SECRET TRIP
22 February 2017
Who and why moved the relics of Saint Valentine in Lesvos?  Why this story was untold for more than100 years? Is the commercialization of Valentine Day behind the official announcements and the ceremonies in Lesvos? Are these relics authentic?

“Yes”, confirming an official Pope’s document. “It is a small part” tells the catholic Archbishop . A part of what and where is the the main body,is the next question

In the film we watch the efforts of three people, a senior clergyman, a historian and an archaeologist, to answer these questions through discoveries in an abandoned church and research in personal archives and diaries of monks. The protagonists search the Valentine’s secret trip and discovered the donor of the relics: an Austrian –Hungarian noble. In parallel they reconstruct the Belle Époque in Mytilene of 1900’s when elites with different religious and ethnic origin debated for the leadership of the society.

Link: https://vimeo.com/205193015