Home /Storydoc Activities /Ducumentaries for young people "before50after" Applications/Awards
23 September 2013
Program of the educational Story Doc Institute in cooperation with the Organization of Culture and Athletics of the City of Athens. 
The Aim of the program is the creation of small duration or narration documentaries with the participation of young people of 16 - 28 years old. The subject of the documentaries shoyld concern issues fron the history of the city of Athens of the last 50 years, the city of Athens and its greater area, documentaries of 5 - 15 minutes duration.
Participation / creative teams: A young person 16 - 28 years old may participate in a creative team if having a central role in a documentary, or if produced the central idea of it, or if this person is the narrator, the cameraman or the film - maker. The creative teams can be separated into teams of youths and adults or can be mixed.

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The term Athens - Attica entails, not only the buildings the monuments and the natural - geographical characteristics, but also the people, anonymous and famous, cultural trends, games, entertainment, fashion, athletics, fan attitudes, social movements and flirting activities and trends, friendships and relationships. The three dimensions, then - now - after, mean three different subjects for each different period or an analysis of the same different subject during three different periods. The after - dimension can be materialized and visualized throygh the contribution of everyday people talking about how the future will be, or through the predictions of specialists and scientists, using animation and special graphics.

Up to 50 years in the past: This goes into  the historical depth of the 60s 70s 80s 90s 2000s, this period consists of the memories, activities, archives, research, relationships, frindships and events that are described, presented and analyzed within the framework of the documentaries, this is the after - dimension of the programApplications for participation.

Applications can be personal or by group. They can be submitted during the 23/09 - 10/11 time period feeling in the following electronic application form. We need all your personal details, name and surname and contact number plus an up to 500 word text about your documentary idea. It would be appropriate to put in the application form all the details of any technical capabilities that you have at your disposal. If you have any ready made documentary material you may attach it to your electronic application form on the internet. The leader of a group should always be a young person, though for interrelated subjects teams might be incorporated according to the needs of the running activity and its aims.

Selection: Finally 12 proposals will be selected  and will take part in a seminar of ideas - contemplation and documentary production, during the period 18 - 22 December. The location of the seminar will be announced on the 29th of November. There will be a second lab for docuentary production and elaboration on the 11 - 16 April 2014 period.

Second Opportunity: The groups or persons that will not be selected for the final phase, up to the number of four, will have the opportunity to participate in another “final result” selection process as independent participations, separately from the other lab - productions. All available can send their participation material in DVD form to the STORY DOC address / Mithimnis 19 p.c. 112 - 56, with the 17th of April 2014 being the last date of possible submission of material and relevant applications. The selection of the independent - 4 will be announced on the 30th of April 2014.

Final Results: The 12 docuentaries - films of the labs and the 4 independent ones will be presented in theatres and other halls of the authorities of the City of Athens and elsewhere. The final program will be announced on the 30th of April. After every projection of each documentary the viewrs will take a vote, so as to select democratically the three best films according to the opiniion of the public. STORY DOC reserves the right to develop a vertebrate documentary, consisting of some or all the submitted documentaries, and to presented to festivals in Greece or abroad.

First Award: a professional videocamera Sony Full HD with all the typical accessories be PLAISIO electronics department store. A scholarship for foreign language lessons at the Goethe Institute. A weekwnd in Arcadia and the Archontiko Kaltezioti Hotel. A one year subscription for the Journal of Books.

Second Award: a full scholarship for a foreign language be the British Council. A one year subscription for the Journal of Books and free membership cards for the Technopolis of the City of Athens.

Third Award: A full scholarship at the STORY DOC documentaries school of creation during the period 2014 - 2015. A one year subscription for the Journal of Books and free membership cards for the Technopolis of the City of Athens.

Participation Award: All those participating get as participation award the STORY DOC documentary production manual, “Do your one film or documentary” plus free membership cards for the Technopolis of the City of Athens.

